Article archive
We are still here.... despite the wind...
31/12/2017 13:07
I'm sorry for the radio silence. God gave us a great Christmas Carol Sing service. The attendance was good, about 30, and there was a great spirit. The kids did a fabulous job with their songs and their short recitation of Scripture.
We had a wonderful family Christmas despite a bit of the...
Merry Christmas Eve!
24/12/2017 13:11
We enjoyed a bit of a different set up for church this morning as we prepared for our Carol Sing Service tonight. We also enjoyed having a large Christmas tree up front. I preached this morning on the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ from Matthew 4. Jesus came to Galilee and those which sat in...
Getting ready for Christmas Eve
21/12/2017 10:33
The slides are mostly ready, the 10 foot Christmas tree is up at our church location and we are getting excited about our Carol Sing Service on Christmas Eve. This service is probably my favorite service of the year. We turn off the lights and turn on the video projector to project the words of the...
God gave us a great day!
17/12/2017 21:40
Thank you for your prayers for our Sunday. God gave us mild weather which was good for an outdoor baptism. There was very good attendance today and good attention to the Word of God. I preached this morning on "Suffering by Identification with Jesus" from 1 Peter 3 and 4. We're getting more into...
Busy, but good week.....
16/12/2017 19:41
I've just realized that I have not updated much this week. It was a busy week as we get ready for some extra events and as some of those come to pass. On top of the normal schedule, we have a baptism at our home this week. That meant moving things around in our garage to accomodate the hot tub...
The cold continues....
11/12/2017 14:28
I thought twice about getting out this morning as it was another frigid day. I'm glad I did get out for a couple of hours. Please pray for the flyers that were distributed. Church planting is a slow process at times. I preached in SS on the "husbandman" farmer and his patience and labour. There are...
10/12/2017 13:04
This morning feels like I'm back in Wisconsin. Our temperatures this morning were in the upper teens fahrenheit. That is very cold for here. Unfortunately (in my thinking) we don't have snow - only frost.
God gave us a good morning. It was good to have the large family back who have been ill....
Ladies' Christmas Party
07/12/2017 10:14
I'm sorry for neglecting to update you on the Christmas party which went very well. Katie had 8 or 9 ladies in attendance and it was a lovely night. I'll put a picture below of the set up. It is a panoramic picture which distorts the room. However, you can see all the goodies prepared for the...
Flyers in Newbridge
06/12/2017 13:49
Don Dillman and I got out in his area with flyers this morning. I had two short Gospel conversations along the way. Please pray for the Gospel flyers that went out. The rest of the week is to be very unsettled. Storm Caroline arrives tomorrow with 60-90 mph winds and possibly some snow later this...
The cat lady :)
04/12/2017 12:05
I got out in a nearby village this morning and put flyers out for a couple of hours. I was challenged by the preaching of Pastor Doug Jackson. God's blessed him with the ability to put you in stitches and put you in tears. I fumbled with a couple mailslots because I had tears in my eyes as he...
Items: 851 - 860 of 1789