Article archive
Just happy to be in church....
20/05/2018 14:36
The start to this week was a little rough for me as I got a sudden stomache bug last night. Thankfully, we had guests from the States visiting our church today and he was able to do SS for me. I felt good this morning and God enabled as I preached the AM service. The message I preached from Romans...
Keep praying for your neighbours....
14/05/2018 14:12
God gave me an incredible divine appointment today. I had been studying at a library in Edinburgh before heading out to put out flyers. The first woman I spoke to said, "No thank you, I don't live here." She was an older woman who was standing beside me as we prepared to cross the road.
I told her...
Cool visitor....
13/05/2018 13:15
All visitors are "cool" but it was really special to have a man visit today from South Africa. His pastor and I were in the same youth group and are very good friends. Please pray for this young family as they have just relocated to Scotland. At present they live on the other side of the country....
Back in the saddle....
09/05/2018 16:27
Thank you for your prayers for this cold to go away. I got a great nights sleep and felt well enough today to run this morning and to get out and do flyers with Don Dillman. I had canceled with him yesterday assuming I wouldn't be better. So, I very much appreciate your prayers.
God gave us...
Beautiful weather!
08/05/2018 11:53
As I left to put out flyers this morning, I remembered the times this past winter where weather like this seemed like a dream. It's hard to imagine a warm sunny breeze and wearing short sleeves when you are seeing snow flakes. It is wonderful to experience it. God's given us incredible weather the...
Wow - summer has arrived!
06/05/2018 13:10
It is a stunning day here today. Praise God for the refreshing sunshine, very little breeze and beautiful picturesque clouds over sheep dotted countryside. Wow - God's creation is refreshing today.
We had refreshing services as well. In the morning service I preached a prosperity Gospel message...
"The pub is my church."
01/05/2018 16:32
I'm not suprised by this statement. I'm just struck by how true it is. His god beats him, robs him, makes him sick to his stomach, seeks to wreck his family and relationships and he still bows down and serves him. I told him that I lived accross from a pub and saw how vile it is and told him God...
Sunday Morning
29/04/2018 13:01
The day started a bit cold and cloudy, but it is a gorgeous sunny day and warmish now. I don't know if we started cloudy this morning spiritually, but I do feel like God gave us a sun shining service. It was refreshing to be with one another this morning gathered around the Word of Truth. Two of...
Free Baptist Church, Facebook
24/04/2018 09:24
Our facebook page for the church is now findable on google. If you would like to visit the page, please click here.
Please pray for wisdom as we seek to advertise our ministry. We want to be as physically visible as possible. We don't have a 24/7 location and so our church signs are only out on...
American Visitor Day
22/04/2018 13:04
It was very interesting to have a father and son from South Carolina as well as a man and his wife from Oklahoma with us today. Their visits were unrelated but they both were an encouragement to our church. It was great to have them there. A little girl from our S.S. said as we were starting, "Have...
Items: 801 - 810 of 1789