Article archive
Joy in the presence of the angels.... (Luke 15:10)
04/09/2018 12:07
A man in my church, Tommy, and myself had the joy today of leading a man to Christ. We've been praying for this man and his family for a few months. Please pray for God to give him the courage to come to church and to follow the Lord in believer's baptism. I shared with him that we would likely be...
Praying for revival....
02/09/2018 13:18
The Lord gave us a good morning and most of our regular folks were in attendance. We had a young girl with us today who has only ever visited on a Thursday night. It was good to have her with us on a Sunday.
I preached this morning a message which I have preached at our church before. In fact I've...
A dog ate my F. D. T.
28/08/2018 12:19
For those who have been around our webpage for a while, you may remember my F. D. T. is my Flyer Distribution Tool. In Laymen's terms it is known commonly as a small plastic handled "cheese board." But to the the initiated, an F. D. T. We use these to protect us from D. O. G's or dogs. D. O. G.'s...
God has given us another visitor....
26/08/2018 13:13
God has given us a lot of visitors lately. Our visitor today is a young mother from Ireland. She was here today visiting her inlaws in Edinburgh. It was a joy to have her with us this morning.
The children were faithful to come to church this morning. We had seven children there who came on their...
Freedom of the press....
23/08/2018 11:46
I am very thankful for the privilige God has given me of putting articles into our local county newspaper. I'm given this opportunity once or twice a year. My most recent article came out today. I'm limited to 350 words and I used all of them. God gave wisdom and the article printed this week was a...
Scottish weather is back....
19/08/2018 13:11
All summer long we told Holly (intern) that our weather was abnormally good. Ever since she left we have had normal Scottish weather. The remnants of a tropical storm went through here last night and it has been a misty morning. We enjoyed good attendance today despite some being away on holidays....
Outreach in Loanhead
14/08/2018 11:52
Tommy (who attends our church) helped me today as we put out flyers in Loanhead. We have a men's prayer time on Tuesday mornings and Tommy stayed on to help with some outreach. God gave us a really fun and refreshing divine appointment with a believer. This older woman got saved 6 years ago. She...
Thank you for praying for our day.
12/08/2018 21:52
God gave me a good voice today and I feel pretty well back to normal. That is a big praise as I thought my voice could be very weak today after a few days of chest congestion. I also had 4 preaching opportunities today. So.... thank you very much for your prayers. God was good to help us with a...
Day 4 and Day 5
10/08/2018 13:42
Well.... HBC is over for another year. :) It is always a lot of fun, a lot of effort and rewarding. God has helped our church people to really step up and get involved. We ran our own HBC this year and it went really well. We had a total of 34 children plus a few adults present for at least one day...
Day 2 and Day 3
08/08/2018 14:02
God has given us a significant increase in children the last two days. Yesterday was our highest attendance with 25 children. We have now had a total of 29 children attend. One 9 year old girl who has been attending for several months told me that she prayed yesterday and asked God to forgive her...
Items: 761 - 770 of 1789