Article archive
Wonderful Wedding
07/10/2018 13:19
God gave us a a wonderful wedding yesterday. Thank you for praying for Jamie and Rebekah's wedding. God blessed in every detail. Praise His Name. (I'll put a couple photo's below.)
The Lord gave us a good morning as well. It was good to have some former church attendees with us for a visit as they...
Outreach with Tommy and Teen Camp in Spain
02/10/2018 13:40
Mr. Woods (Tommy) and myself enjoyed some outreach this morning. We didn't put out a lot of flyers. However, the Lord gave me a wonderful opportunity to speak with a friend of mine in the community. I've prayed for him. He could have died last year in an accident but God preserved his life. We...
The first day of the week....
30/09/2018 13:35
It is a blessing to give God the first part of the week and to get to spend time with each other in the House of God. God gave us a very good morning. Our attendace was good today and God blessed our services. I preached a message this morning from Jeremiah 38 on "The Terms o f Surrender." God is...
26/09/2018 12:56
Yesterday I was able to put out Gospel flyers in Loanhead. I enjoyed speaking with the brother of a man who attends our church. I have often prayed for this man and it was a good opportunity to challenge his atheism. The Lord gave 4 other good platforms to share the Gospel or to speak about faith...
Evangelism in Edinburgh
24/09/2018 15:05
I spent the morning at the New College LIbrary in Edinburgh and handed out some Gospel flyers to and from there. It was a tough day - it seems, as I didn't have any really open conversations. I attempted to witness to a man from Sweden who was sitting beside a statue of David Livingstone. The piper...
What a great day!
23/09/2018 15:32
We had a wonderful time together in the house of God this morning. God gave us a very special Sunday. We baptized a boy who trusted Jesus as His Saviour at the end of our HBC in Loanhead. He and his mom have become a faithful part of our church. It was a special blessing to have his father in...
unsettled weather and outreach
19/09/2018 11:43
We are into a period of very unsettled weather with low pressure systems hammering the UK. Today we are under an amber weather warning with gusts of up to 80 MPH expected. The wind is howling right now! Yesterday the remnants of Hurricane Helene passed through. Yesterday is also the day that Don...
voice recorder problem solved
17/09/2018 10:28
Thank you for praying for wisdom about sorting the problem we've had with our recordings. I believe that the Lord helped me to do that this morning. It was a pretty simple solution of downloading a new app. Lord willing, the quality of our sermon audio will now be good as it should be recording...
Staying busy but getting there....
16/09/2018 14:14
After a very busy summer we are getting caught up a bit on life. We have a wedding coming next month (2:00 PM, 6 October) and Katie hosted a wedding shower this Past Friday. It was well attended and a blessing to Rebekah and the other ladies. I enjoyed doing an hour and a half discipleship lesson...
Sorry about the "radio silence"
10/09/2018 11:06
Thank you for praying without consistent updates to make you aware of what the Lord was doing in our meetings. We recorded most of the services from our meetings and I want to make the available below. God gave us some special services and sweet prayer times. In particular the prayer time following...
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