Article archive

First Sunday of March

03/03/2019 13:16
We're enjoying faithful attendance in our church and are thankful for each one God has brought our way. We seem to have added a family and we rejoice in God's goodness to us. I preached this morning from  Philippians 4, "Philippi Missions Program, " on developing a missions program like...

Outreach and remodel

27/02/2019 12:19
I was able to get out this morning and do flyers. To say the weather is nice is a huge understatement. To say we broke heat records yesterday and today for February is the truth. We've been backing in very unseasonal weather. It is great! We've enjoyed having the windows open on the house as we've...

Memorial Service for Pastor Ventrello

26/02/2019 09:39
Thank you for your prayers for the Ventrello family. God took Brother Merle home to Heaven this past Friday. Praise God the family were all able to arrive a few hours before he fell asleep in Jesus. Please continue to pray for Barbara and the family. The memorial service in Scotland will be this...

Upon the first day of the week....

24/02/2019 13:20
Praise God for new beginnings and for the first day of the week upon which we gather to worship. We enjoyed our time in the house of God this morning. Our visiting family returned and it was great to have them with us again. I preached this morning on "An Edificational Example" which Paul gave to...

Edinburgh Divine Appointments

19/02/2019 13:14
The Lord gave me a several divine appointments as I handed out flyers in Edinburgh this morning. The first was with a young college student from India. I spoke with her for about ten - fifteen minutes. The conversation was very good and I believe she will pick up her Bible and read some things. She...

Visitors :), thanks for praying....

17/02/2019 13:26
God gave us a visiting familiy this morning. They are a Christian family who received a flyer from a housing scheme that is very close to our church location. Praise the Lord! It is not very often that putting a flyer through someone's mailslot results in feet in the door on Sunday. Please pray for...

Outreach this week

13/02/2019 13:14
On Monday I finished an area which another man in my church had helped me with last week. That housing scheme contains about 400-450 homes. Today Pastor Dilman and I headed out to Biggar. I've had a burden for Biggar since soon after arriving here. God has given me some very interesting divine...

A good start to our week....

10/02/2019 13:02
God blessed us with a good morning. Our attendance was a bit lower as one family was away for a medical emergency. Please pray for a lady in our church who's mother is in intensive care with an infection. It was a blessing to have a men's trio sung in church this morning singing, "A Sinner Like...

Outreach update....

06/02/2019 13:34
It was a blessing to have three of the adults in our church involved in church outreach this past week. We enjoyed knocking on doors on Saturday and had a good follow up visit with a man who we recently led to the Lord. Two adults joined us for door to door. Another man joined me on Monday as we...

Unlocking Faith's Potential

03/02/2019 13:42
The Lord gave us a very good morning. The attendance was strong and there was a sweet spirit in our services this morning. I enjoyed preaching and teaching on Faith this morning. In SS we were looking at Abraham's faith in Romans 4. I preached on, "Unlocking Faith's Potential" from Hebrews 11:1-6...
Items: 701 - 710 of 1789
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