Article archive
Praying ahead for our Stronger Family Seminar
19/05/2019 13:30
We are excited to be at a week of ministry which we have anticipated for many months. This coming Friday - Sunday nights at 6:00 PM we are having our Stronger Family Seminar. Dr. and Mrs. Steadman will be arriving to spend these days in ministry with us. Please pray for the power of God in these...
Outreach in Liberton
15/05/2019 12:34
The Lord gave Don and I some good outreach opportunities as we put flyers out on the South side of Edinburgh in Liberton. Please pray for Peter's salvation. God is working in his heart. He has a New Testament that he has been reading. We enjoyed looking at the Gospel together for about 20...
The Good News train is coming
14/05/2019 08:27
We are going to do a train theme Holiday Bible Club this summer. So, that means we need a train engine for our parade. Benson and Kay Lee helped yesterday as we built the Good News Express and primed it. It is now ready to be painted. We'll be using this in a parade and Gala Day (children's fair)...
A beautiful morning inside and outside
12/05/2019 13:17
God gave us refreshing weather today and we were refreshed in our hearts as well. God blessed us with good attendance despite some being unable to be in attendance due to illness. I enjoyed preaching on parenting this morning as I continued a series I began last week of "Getting behind God in...
Church Outreach in Edinburgh
11/05/2019 16:54
We enjoyed a beautiful morning handing out literature in Edinburgh. All told, we handed out over 1,000 flyers with a group of 10 of us. Everyone who participated really enjoyed the outing. So, it was a blessing to us and we pray a blessing to those who received the Gospel. God gave me one really...
Biggar Blessing
07/05/2019 14:11
I was in the village of Biggar again this morning and God gave me the privilege of leading a 60 year old man to the Lord. I shared the Gospel with him at his door for half an hour before going into his living room and leading him in a prayer of salvation. I apologised for slowing his day down...
Wonderful morning for my wife to turn ____________
05/05/2019 13:25
I want to deviate from my normal posts just for a second and say, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!! I'm so thankful for the companion of my youth. God has blessed me richly and I thank God for His great goodness.
God gave us a wonderful morning. We had a visiting minister, (Pastor Simeon...
Livingston Outreach
01/05/2019 13:55
I enjoyed being back with Pastor Don Dillman in his neck of the woods today. We put out about 300 flyers into homes in his area. God gave us a couple of conversations. The best was with two gardeners who were taking a break in the garage of the property where they were working. Please pray that God...
Outreach in Biggar
29/04/2019 15:49
I drove a half an hour away today back to the village of Biggar. God gave me a few divine appointments. Two were very good. Please pray for Darren. I was able to present to him a complete Gospel witness. He was waiting for his boss who arrived just as we were finishing our chat. The other great...
Back from camp :)
28/04/2019 13:38
Wow - God gave us a great time at men's camp in Ireland. Special thanks to Pastor Ledbetter and his church for their vision to provide this awesome opportunity over the last 19 years. I had the privilige of preaching the opening session on Wednesday and we had 6 other opportunites to sit under the...
Items: 671 - 680 of 1789