Article archive

Outreach with Don

17/07/2019 13:11
Don and I put out flyers in Edinburgh about two miles from our church location. God allowed us to get a good bit done as we went through a large new housing area. We had one really good divine appointment with two teenagers. Please pray for Erin and Ryan to read the John and Romans which they...

Cultivated blessings....

14/07/2019 13:00
Thank you for praying for us on our busiest Sunday of the month. The Lord's hand was evident this morning. I enjoyed preaching a message about cultivating a spiritual blessing from Hosea 10:12. Hosea preached to Israel in their rebellion and barren fields. He preached to them a message that could...

Amber's travels

10/07/2019 15:57
Amber is on her way back home. She departed this morning and should arrive home late this evening. Please pray for her as she travels by herself. She has a total of three flights. We were blessed to have her with us for this past month. Don and I got a good weather day despite the bad forecast. We...

Such were some of you....

08/07/2019 13:42
Today, Benson, Kay Lee, Amber and myself went into Edinburgh to hand out Gospel flyers. God gave a few divine appointments. One was with a man named Andy who was sitting at the base of the  monument to Sir Walter Scott in Princess St. Gardens. Andy was obviously homeless and has slept rough...

Amber's last Sunday

07/07/2019 13:23
We have enjoyed having Amber Lyndsey with us for the past several weeks. Today is her last ministry day with us as she departs on Wednesday. Please pray for God's blessing for her on these last few days and for her travels back to the USA. God gave us a good morning. I preached on, "Hope for Our...

Outreach with Don

03/07/2019 12:46
Don and I were in an expensive area of Edinburgh today. The houses and gardens were very beautiful and it was fun just to walk through the neighborhood. God gave one very good divine appointment with a gardener. He is just over 50 and wondering what's next after death. Please pray for Gary. I'd...

The heatwave has broken....

30/06/2019 13:10
One of the blessings of living in Scotland is knowing that cool weather will return soon. For many of you, our hot weather would be your cool weather returning. I'm sorry if you are suffering from heat. We've got more seasonal weather today - mid 60's with a 20 mph breeze. We had a refreshing...

A good week....

29/06/2019 11:46
We have enjoyed some beautiful weather this week as well as some good Gospel opportunities. On Wednesday Benson and I helped Pastor Dillman put out around 500 flyers in Livingstone. Last night we enjoyed taking our teens on a hiking youth activity. This morning we enjoyed door to door. Benson and I...

Gala Day and Sunday

23/06/2019 13:40
Both the last two days have been lovely days! Praise God. The weather for Gala Day was great! A highlight of my day was when an organizer of the Gala came out of his way to say to me, "Ben, I just want you to know God has answered your prayers for weather. Not just for today but for this whole...

More flyers....

19/06/2019 12:37
Summery weather has finally arrived and we've enjoyed getting out and about in it. We had 6 doing flyers today as Pastor Dillman joined with the group from yesterday. When you have this many people it goes much faster than doing it on your own. We probably put out 6-7 hundred flyers. Please pray...
Items: 651 - 660 of 1789
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