Article archive

Door to Door with Benson

17/08/2019 17:01
Benson was my door to door partner this morning. Imagine our suprise when the first woman who answered the door at the first house told us that she will come tomorrow to our AM service. I could be wrong, but I have no doubt that she was sincere and I hope to see her tomorrow. Please pray that God...

camping... among other things....

15/08/2019 21:16
Our family just returned from a last minute camping trip into the Scottish borders. God gave us just the right weather window and time to get in some camping before school starts back up. The kids enjoyed playing in the river. "You know your kids grew up in Scotland when they play in a river with...

New attendees

11/08/2019 13:03
It was a blessing to have several visitors today. We had a woman visiting from Florida. We have another young lady with us this week from the States. We also have an older couple visiting our church for the next 6 months. Their daughters family attends our church and her parents are with them for...

HBC completed

09/08/2019 17:33
We're very thankful for God's grace for our HBC. We had 20 kids in total and they had a really good spirit about the week. The children did a great job listening and seemed very tender to the truth that was presented. We didn't have any unexpected kids. That means, these are all either church kids...

HBC update

06/08/2019 13:03
Thanks for praying for HBC. We've had a wonderful start. Monday we had 15 children and we had 14 today. The only difference today was one child couldn't come back. So, the kids are being faithful in their attendance. The program has gone very well and God's hand has been evident.  It's fun to...

The Sunday before HBC :)....

04/08/2019 13:09
Well, here we go. I would say, "Ready or not" but by God's grace we are ready. Katie has worked very hard assembling crafts, writing puppet scripts, planning the missionary story, etc. I've been able to get three of my Bible stories ready and trust I'll have time to do the other two during the...

HBC door knocking

30/07/2019 16:35
Katie and I and two kids knocked on some doors this afternoon recruiting for our Holiday Bible Club next week. One contact seemed very promising. Please pray for God to give us new contacts within the community. We also had a couple opportunities to share Christ. One was with a young lady who used...

Great trip!

28/07/2019 13:15
God blessed us with several sweet days in Germany. "Great Trip" does not mean easy trip. But, God blessed us and kept us safe and it was great (incredible) to travel accross England, Germany, France, Belgium.... We had 4 full days of driving in a car in the last 7 days and God kept us safe every...

Here we go....

21/07/2019 14:02
God gave us a good morning at church. I preached a message this morning from Micah 7:1-9, Our Day. We enjoyed a fellowship time after the morning service and then had a shorter afternoon service. Please pray for the many who are traveling to BWM camp in Germany. We're excited about what God is...


20/07/2019 20:53
God blessed us with several good opportunities to share the Gospel as we knocked on doors this morning. Please pray for the three ladies and the one man who engaged in a Gospel conversation.  Please also pray for an article being published this week in our county newspaper. I am asked to write...
Items: 641 - 650 of 1789
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