Article archive
Refreshing morning....
08/09/2019 12:53
God gave us a refreshing morning in His Word. We enjoyed having Blake (student) here this morning. He's here in pursuit of a one year grad degree. Please pray for him as he settles into Scotland. His mom was also with him and it was a joy to meet them both.
We enjoyed focusing on one verse this...
Edinburgh evangelism....
04/09/2019 13:28
I had an interesting morning as I went into Edinburgh. I had three opportunities as I caught the bus into Edinburgh. These were all people I have witnessed to before. The first was at the bus stop. The second as I got on the bus and a man who works near our church was sitting in front. I spoke with...
Happy 17th Birthday Kay Lee!!!!
03/09/2019 11:05
Yikes - my wife isn't getting old, but I must be.... Wow - deep breath as our kids are growing up very quickly. We're very thankful to God for His grace to our family. Kay Lee was born in Port Huron, MI 5 days after Katie and I moved there from NYC. We are having fun reminiscing today.
I put...
Upon the first day of the week....
01/09/2019 13:18
Aren't you thankful that God has scheduled times for the body for Christ to get together? It was a blessing this morning to be in the house of God. God gave us good attendance and a good spirit in our services. We are enjoying studying walking in the Spirit in our adult/teen SS as we make our...
divine appointment
29/08/2019 14:02
Yesterday Don Dillman and I were out about 2 miles from our church in Edinburgh. God helped us walk a lot of miles as we put out 4-500 flyers. We had one really good witnessing opportunity with a young muslim man. He understood what I meant when I shared that justice means crimes must be paid. He...
Outreach in Edinburgh
27/08/2019 13:42
I bumped into Andy (homeless man) again today in Edinburgh. About a month ago Andy prayed to ask Jesus to save him. I've prayed for him since then and hope to see God sort out the many difficulties in his life. I tried to again encourage him to follow God. Andy can't read.... Praise God for...
A visitor who came....
25/08/2019 13:15
Last Sunday our visitor did not come. On Thursday the footballer didn't come. (Praise God, this young man did shoot me a text letting me know that he was unable to be there.) We had a woman contact us this week letting us know that she had recently been saved. She came and visited this morning....
Fringe Evangelism
21/08/2019 13:37
There is currently an international festival called the Fringe taking place in Edinburgh. When it is festival season the population of Edinburgh doubles. I took bus into Edinburgh to do evangelism today and started by handing out flyers for about an hour on the Royal Mile near St. Giles (where John...
Kate and the atheist
20/08/2019 12:21
God gave me two divine appointments this morning as I put out flyers. Kate immigrated to the UK from Budapest many years ago. She is an elderly widow who is Catholic. Please pray that God would open her eyes to the knowledge of salvation by faith in Jesus. It is sad to meet someone who is religious...
The body of Christ
18/08/2019 13:06
This morning we enjoyed watching, "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution III" in our SS hour. I then preached this morning on, "Members in Particular" about joining the body of Christ from 1 Corinthians 12. There was a good spirit in our service which was pretty well attended. Our visitor did...
Items: 631 - 640 of 1789