Article archive
08/12/2019 13:19
I'm thankful for the tools God has given to us to keep people informed. However, I wish they were mechanical and not computerized. Today is our busy day and because of a mac update, I had to relearn how to upload my sermon. Praise God, that is done now and we are getting ready to head to the Trust...
Outreach this week....
05/12/2019 09:45
This has been a good week to get out and put out flyers. On Tuesday I put out more of our Christmas flyers in Loanhead. Yesterday, Don and I went out in his area to put out their church flyer. We didn't have any divine appointments but we enjoyed the fellowship and put out around 250 flyers.
Frost and Freezing
01/12/2019 13:15
It was a cold morning as the frost that looks like snow can attest. I think the frost will be with us all day today. I'm jealous of those of you who have the real thing (snow) at your house. I hope that we'll see some snow this year.
It was a good morning. We got back in SS to our study in Romans...
Fog, mist and flyers....
27/11/2019 11:48
Don and I were able to get out in Loanhead today with our church Christmas flyer. We enjoyed some good fellowship. I had a short conversation about the Gospel with an elderly woman. She attends church but is not sure she believes everything in the Bible but believes Jesus is a good person. Her...
26/11/2019 14:37
The weather isn't beautiful but it is do-able. The ground at this time of year is soaked all the time because of the frequent showers and high humidity. I walked Duchess this morning on a fog shrouded quiet morning. It is actually quite restful to have constant cloud cover. (Although, It does make...
Back home....
24/11/2019 13:01
Our family got back yesterday after a great week away in South Western Scotland. We arrived refreshed, but Mac got ill last night. So, Katie ended up staying home with him this morning. It was a blessing to have a lady in our church take Katie's class. Another college student led singing and I...
Busy, busy....
14/11/2019 08:58
This has been a busy week as our family is getting ready for a week long holiday (vacation.) Please pray for Pastor Dillman as he will be filling pulpit for me on Sunday PM and Thursday PM next week. Chris Dillman will also be teaching Katie's Kids Club on Thursday night.
Don and I have enjoyed...
Sunday morning....
10/11/2019 13:01
The second Sunday of the month has come quickly this month. We have our Trust service (assisted living service) this afternoon at 2:00. I preached this morning on "Your Order's Sir?" from the Great Commission in Matthew 28:15-20. If "we" don't fulfil his orders, nobody else will. We have a great...
Out again....
06/11/2019 11:10
It was the best weather morning yet (in quite a while) to get out with flyers. God gave me one divine appointment with a lady who is a born again anglican. She got saved when she was 15 but has remained in the Anglican church her whole life. She is elderly. She had a happy disposition which was a...
A break in the weather....
05/11/2019 11:44
We have had rain, rain, and more rain the last several days. Thankfully, the rain stopped this morning and I was able to get out to do flyers. There weren't any conversations this morning. But, most of a new housing scheme about 2 miles away from our church has the flyer. Please pray for the seed...
Items: 601 - 610 of 1790