Article archive
Thank you for your prayers.
17/05/2024 22:49
Thank you for praying for my father's, Pastor Mark Shore's, funeral. My dad loved the Lord and that was well presented at the funeral. It was a special time with family and God was glorified.
My mom is doing well. She was able to travel down for our daugher's wedding. I just put the following...
2 promotions
04/05/2024 17:29
Our family safely arrive in Lattimore NC around 12:00 (5AM Scotland time) Monday night or Tuesday morning. We thank the Lord for journey mercies and grace.
This has been a fun week of meeting the friends and teachers of our children. We also enjoyed meeting the parents of our future son in law....
The angels are singing again!
23/04/2024 16:42
God has again blessed us with the opportunity to help someone come to faith in Jesus Christ. Praise God for the power of the Gospel to set men free from their sin and give them God's gift of everlasting life. They have been faithfully attending church. Please pray for this couple to grow in grace...
An encouraging Sunday
21/04/2024 13:02
Some days are more encouraging than others.... this is one of those. We had wonderful attendance today and some of our guests are becoming regulars. This is a tremendous blessing. One of the neat things about today is our good SS attendance. We have been praying for children to come and God gave us...
normal outreach
17/04/2024 12:00
It's good to have a normal outreach week going. With building works and weather, this has not always been possible in recent weeks. I street preached yesterday morning and it was a lovely morning with no chance of rain. We've had rain every day for weeks and almost months. It's not raining all day,...
Flyers and church works...
15/04/2024 16:48
I was able to get out this morning and put out some literature. The weather forecast was for storms, but they missed us. I put out a couple hundred leaflets with invitations to our church on one side and the Gospel on the other.
In our church project, last week and this week we have been working on...
14/04/2024 13:06
It was good to be back in church at Southside this morning. We had the encouragement of a young girl who attends on Wednesday nights, coming for her first time to Sunday School and the AM service. That was a special blessing. It was a lovely morning outside after weeks of rainy weather. There will...
street preaching
10/04/2024 12:09
We have had a LOT of rainy weather over the last several weeks. Anyone that's here would give their agreement to that. So, when it wasn't raining this morning and it was calm, I decided to go into Edinburgh. My weather app called for rain, but I thought I'd get some preaching in before it came. I...
Men's camp and spring storm...
08/04/2024 11:49
My boys and I are just back from men's camp. We were supposed to arrive on Saturday evening, but our flight was cancelled due to a storm. We were at a friend's home when it canceled (Declan and Bethany Flanagan) and they kindly had us stay with them for two nights. That stay was a lot of fun for...
piano has arrived!
03/04/2024 11:08
Well, it's a bit like Christmas this week with things progressing very quickly. We got a very good price on a digital mini grand piano and we were able to take delivery today. The company stored it for 2 months while we worked to finish the sanctuary. God's good and we are thankful for His...
Items: 61 - 70 of 1791