Article archive

P's in the Pod of Power

09/01/2020 08:32
I preached a message on a Sunday evening several months ago entitled, "P's in the Pod of Power." It's not a new message. In fact, it's one of my oldest messages that I revisit in my preaching. I prepared this for a missions conference at Pillsbury Christian College back when we were on deputation....

First time back at evangelism....

08/01/2020 20:51
God has given a couple divine appointments this week outside of scheduled evangelism. But, it was nice today to finally get back out putting flyers through mail slots. Don Dillman and I put out a couple hundred flyers in Livingston today. The weather has been very poor this week with rain and very...

Here we go.... 2020

05/01/2020 13:10
We enjoyed Sunday morning services on our first Lord's day of 2020. We had good attendance and a good spirit. I love seeing our church people stick around and visit with one another after the service.  We appreciate your prayers for our ministry. We've got three months and then Pastor and Mrs....

Sunny and very windy....

29/12/2019 13:10
It was windy enough to wreck our sidewalk sign this morning. :) Don't worry, it's not the first time this has happened. That sign is chained to a tree and tight against a wall, but it blew a panel out anyway. We used to see these signs fly through the air during church but we replaced our closest...

Enjoying Christmas Ministry

22/12/2019 13:12
I enjoyed preaching the latter half of Luke 2 this morning as we looked at baby Jesus Temple dedication and the two worthy servants of the Christ found there. My messaged, "Walk Worthy of Declaring Christ." God gave us a very good spirit this morning and we are thankful for our church family. We...

Newspaper Article and Outreach update

18/12/2019 15:28
I was able to get out yesterday and today doing Christmas flyers in Loanhead. The frost on the ground today made the black tarmac white. Obviously it was a cold day, but the Lord gave me two divine appointments in the cold. I spoke with the first man for 10 minutes and the second for about 20....


16/12/2019 14:36
Have you ever tried studying while someone was practicing the bagpipes? I don't know if I've mentioned that three of the boys are taking bagpipes. (Logan (14) Parker (12) and Nelson (9). God has blessed them with good instructors at a local bagpipe band in Penicuik. They are making good progress....

Visitors today.....

15/12/2019 13:18
It was a blessing to have two ladies visit our church this morning. One of our church ladies was asked in front of the building if a church was meeting here. She said, "Yes and you are welcome to come." Praise God they came and we were thankful to have them with us. I preached a Christmas story...

Christmas Flyers in Loanhead

11/12/2019 13:08
I'm thankful that God has put Don Dillman close enough that we can meet weekly to put out Gospel flyers together. After a rough weather day yesterday there wasn't a calm today - but it was calm enough. I think we put out around 300 flyers in Loanhead. God gave us a couple divine appointments. I saw...

I'll fly away....

10/12/2019 08:40
Today we are getting a deep low pressure system that is pushing accross the UK with wind gust close to 60 MPH. So, I think rather than put rocks in my pockets, I'll lay low this morning. I was able to hand out our Christmas flyer in Edinburgh yesterday. Edinburgh has a large Bavarian Christmas...
Items: 591 - 600 of 1790
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