Article archive
Midweek Report
08/04/2020 15:08
Well.... there isn't as much to share from isolation. God allowed me to help put out a couple hundred community flyers on Monday. Our local governement wanted to make people aware of where to go for help if they didn't have anyone else to assist them. I was going to help them out again today but...
3rd Sunday in isolation.
05/04/2020 09:02
Praise God we can meet our church family online. That has been a great blessing and we hope an open door into some "visitors homes" within our communities.
Katie's Sunday School lesson is on facebook and ready to go. She's been going through the story leading up to the crucifixion and...
Breaking News! :)
02/04/2020 20:17
Here is a link to one more video. Logan played this tonight at 8:00 PM as people clapped and played bagpipes to honour our health care workers.
Logan Shore (14), Auchendinny, Scotland, playing Scotland the brave with 1,000's of other pipers in other locations in honour of our NHS and emergency...
Ministry Update Links
02/04/2020 15:59
God has given us a good week. We have yet to hit a ministry slow down, but I anticipate a bit more time next week when I'm not doing flyers. We've put a few more videos online.
The first is a message I preached to the teens on Psalm 91 on Getting Victory Over Fear. I preached it at the end of last...
Flyer update....
31/03/2020 12:20
Well, it was a short window for delivering the flyer. But, praise the Lord, just over 1,000 flyers were put out. I appreciate your prayers for God to work in the hearts of those who received them. I'm looking forward to ministry on the other side of this virus. We'll see how long until we are able...
2nd Sunday at Home
29/03/2020 08:35
We are getting ready to have church with our family. Last Sunday we watched Katie's SS lesson and my sermon in the morning. For our "Sunday night service" we watched Dr. Alton Beal preach a message. Dr. Beal is the president of Ambassador Baptist Bible College. My brother-in-law (Nate Metcalf) has...
Covid-19 Gospel Flyer
26/03/2020 13:06
The flyer arrived yesterday and I was able to start putting it out yesterday afternoon. I was also able to get out this morning. The Lord's helped me to get around 600 into mail slots so far. Please pray that people will turn their heart to fear God. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of...
Life in Scotland.
25/03/2020 08:34
We have been blessed with good weather since the isolation time. We had a really rough winter with lots of wind and rain. It's a blessing to be able to get some gardening started and catch up on some garden projects. We reclaimed some pallets and built a fence in our small back garden. We have a...
Covid-19 flyer
23/03/2020 12:00
This morning the Lord helped me write a flyer, Covid-19 - The Faith Response. Lord willing, I will be able to start putting these out next week. It usually takes about a week to get flyers once they are ordered. I've been praying about a new flyer and I'm thankful the Lord had me wait until this...
22/03/2020 09:23
It is wonderful today to have gorgeous weather as we meet together online as a church. We found out on Wednesday that the place we meet for church is no longer open due to the virus. God has given us great grace. Katie has worked hard to bring Kids Club and SS to our church on our church facebook...
Items: 551 - 560 of 1791