Article archive
Important prayer request (update)
14/05/2021 19:08
I thought I'd share an email I just sent to the church. It will provide the update on the witnessing opportunity prayer request.
Dear Church family,
You'll be excited to hear that Stacy trusted Christ with tears this afternoon. Katie and I went over and sat down with she and Lewis....
important prayer request
14/05/2021 15:02
Well.... there are unexpected things in life and this is one of them.
We were just notified by the seller of the bank property that they have set a closing date of THIS Thursday on this property. I've asked if there is any possibility they can move it one week to give us a bit more time.
A closing...
New Flyer Going Out
11/05/2021 11:39
This morning Tommy and I starting putting the new Gospel flyer out in Loanhead. It was a beautiful morning to get out. We enjoyed good fellowship and some short opporunities to share the Gospel. We also caught up with several people whom I know in the community.
Interestingly, I found out that the...
Great Lord's day....
10/05/2021 14:09
Our attendance was better yesterday and the Lord gave us good services. Lewis is very excited about his salvation. We are making plans to baptise him in two weeks time. Please pray for God's blessing that night as we fulfil that ordinance.
Our family is looking forward to getting away on holiday in...
Moving forward in pursuit of bank property
08/05/2021 09:42
Please pray for God's provision for the bank building. We have taken a step of faith to move forward as we seek to acquire this property. The following letter was sent out by our sending church pastor, Pastor Dan Stertz.
Special Letter!
May 7, 2021
Dear Shore Family...
The angels are singing again....
06/05/2021 16:07
Thank you for praying for the Bible study. Lewis has trusted Christ as His Saviour and has planned to be baptised soon. Please pray him as he starts his new walk with God.
If you want to see a glorious comment from Lewis on our facebook page - please check out the feed from our Hebrews Bible study...
Rainy Day Project
04/05/2021 14:32
Tommy and I had to cancel our evangelism plans for this morning as the weather is very unsettled this week. It's rained all day so far. I needed to get a new Gospel flyer written and I'm thankful for the Lord's help in getting it done. I'll attach it below. Please pray for God to use this flyer as...
Our Sunday....
03/05/2021 19:32
We had a good day yesterday even though our attendance was down significantly. It's interesting how after a big day, you can have a down day (attendance wise.) Please pray that God helps us as there is no doubt that Satan pushes back when we take ground for the Lord.
The kids class went really...
prayer update:
01/05/2021 16:25
Thank you for praying for my dad's sister. God has taken her to Himself. She entered into glory last night. I'm thankful that she is absent from the body and present with the Lord. Please continue to pray for God's grace for her family.
Door to door....
01/05/2021 12:21
We were able to start door to door up again today. Scotland has nearly finished lockdown. Non essential shops opened back up this week. We still can't meet in people's homes, but that should change later this month.
We really enjoyed getting out in our neighbourhood today. Our church location is...
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