Article archive
The fog has lifted...finallly!
08/09/2024 13:37
After 3.5 days of fog, it has lifted. That is not to say that the sun is shining, this is Scotland after all. :) The weather this week was somewhat prohibitive of outward activities. However, Wednesday was beautiful and Pastor Dillman and I were able to do some evangelism in his area. God gave me a...
Unusual Wednesday and Sunday blessings
01/09/2024 13:31
The story from Wednesday continued that evening. It was great to have a good number of our church family out for our midweek. That's a praise of itself. But, yet another man who heard the street preaching atttended and after the service trusted Jesus as His Saviour. Please pray for Daniel as he...
evangelism this week
28/08/2024 15:02
Our weather has been very "rainbowy" for the past week. A lot of smaller showers, heavy at times, with sun in between. God has helped in dodging those showers to allow evangelism on all three weekdays so far this week. On Monday and Tuesday literature was put out in Bilston a little village...
Evangelistic Meetings and Sunday
25/08/2024 15:10
My apologies for not keeping our page up to date. I will try to do better now going forward. God gave us great meetings with Evangelist John Van Gelderen. Brother John is now in Dublin, Ireland. His ministry of God's Word was refreshing as was our time together in fellowship. Three of his messages...
The dust is settling...
12/08/2024 09:19
We have just come through some very busy times, but they have been good times as well. The Sunday following our building dedication we went to Germany. We returned to a week of Holiday Bible Club. That brought us to this past week and men's camp up in Northern Scotland. We have one more event in a...
04/08/2024 13:46
The Lord gave us a good start to our Lord's Day with a first time adult visitor and two children returning who have been away from a couple of years. All of these contacts were a result of our HBC. Praise the Lord and thank you for praying!
I preached this morning on, "Personal Evangelism"...
HBC Update
02/08/2024 21:38
God blessed our week of Holiday Bible Club. Joe and James (NBT evangelists) did an excellent job working with our church kids. We saw God's hand in many different ways. The weather was outstanding and we are very thankful for God's grace in giving us such a good weather week.
We saw 5...
Back at it....
28/07/2024 15:58
Sorry for the radio silence. We have just returned from spending a week in Germany with our BWM missionary family. It was great to connect with friends who are ministering in Germany, Italy, Poland, Belarus and elsewhere. It's always a refreshing time and we come back strengthened. Amanda Baker...
Building Dedication
13/07/2024 15:07
God blessed our building dedication today. We had a good turnout, good fellowship, good time of sharing in God's Word, good teaching for the children, plenty of helpers, etc. Praise the Lord. Thank you for praying for this day.
Although our sending church pastor was unable to attend. He was able to...
Exciting times!
07/07/2024 13:50
We are less than a week away from dedicating our property to the Lord and having our grand opening. Tonight we start rearranging the church into what it was meant to be in the mind of God. We praise Him for His clear leading in every decision we have made.
Wednesday will be our first meeting...
Items: 41 - 50 of 1791