Article archive
06/06/2022 12:53
Our youngest, Mac, turned 8 today. It's amazing having children that don't need you to tie their shoes, put on their coats, blow their noses, etc. :) It's fun watching the kids grow up. Mac is enjoying a fun day.
I put out flyers this morning for a couple of hours. I didn't have any noticable...
Good times...
05/06/2022 13:37
These are busy, but good times. We waited at the airport for 2 hours last night for Evelena and Mark to get out of the terminal. Security and baggage claim led to long delays. Praise the Lord, they made it! We're excited to have them with us, but regret that they have had to move because of a war....
Google Review
31/05/2022 11:45
We finally received feedback as we have been putting out this new flyer. It came in the form of a google review. Laura said - "Continues to post absolute hate speech through my door. Shame on you. And for every bible quote you posted, I can find one to contradict it. Absolute American Republican...
A nice surprise
29/05/2022 14:07
It was good to have Nathan back for a surprise visit with his family. He has been on a 5 week training course down in England. The queen's Jubilee interrupted the training for a week and so he has a week long holiday. What a blessing to his family and to our church to have him back.
I preached a...
All the blocks are in!
28/05/2022 20:01
Thank you for praying for our extra DIY project. God blessed with wisdom, finances, weather, strength, motivation and all the blocks are now in. Everyone in our family worked very hard on this project.We just need to fill some with gravel and put in some top soil. Thank you for your prayers.
Scottish Parliament
23/05/2022 12:14
For those who are unaware, Scotland has a devolved government. We are part of the United Kingdom and have MP's (Members of Parliament) at Westminster in London. We also have MSP's (Members of Scottish Parliament) in Edinburgh.
This morning I went to Holyrood (the Scottish Parliament building) and...
22/05/2022 13:02
We enjoyed a good time in the house of God this morning. A family who recently immigrated came and visited. The little daughter and the grand had come previously. It was good to have all of them with us this morning.
I preached part 2 of a message on, "Keep Your Head Up" in the Christian race....
Ukrainian guests now scheduled.
18/05/2022 10:53
I was able to also get out Tuesday and today putting out flyers. I think I have done around 600 homes this week. I had one good divine appointment yesterday with a woman from the area of the current conflict in Europe. She made herself available to translate if needed for our Ukrainian guests. I'm...
I love "wasting" time.
16/05/2022 14:09
My plan was to start getting the new flyer out this morning, but it was raining heavily at times. I ran my four miles this morning anyway and got drenched on the last two. :) So, I waited until late morning and was able to get out after 11. I was able to put out around 300 flyers. Please pray that...
A little visitor
15/05/2022 14:16
God blessed us with a first time attender this morning. She is the little friend of a family in our church. It was great to have her (8) come. She really enjoyed it and wants to come again.
The theme of today seems to be facing opposition in the will of God. In Sunday School we considered how David...
Items: 261 - 270 of 1782