Article archive
Summer is here
04/08/2012 18:04
We are enjoying a nice warm day. I was able to do door to door this morning and had 4 good chats. I was going through a very nice area and was pleased to find the people friendly. I know the Lord was working even though the doors weren't very open.
This afternoon we joined a sister...
Odds and Ends
01/08/2012 10:56
Here are updated and new prayer requests.
1.) Although we liked the home which we viewed very much, we felt like the Lord wanted us to wait. So, we are still praying and waiting on God's provision for housing. We are content to stay where we are as long as the Lord desires.
Evangelism in Edinburgh
31/07/2012 14:54
It was a lovely day to get down into the city. We've had very few warm days like this. Believe it or not, our temperature currently is 63 degrees. Until now most of our days have been in the 50's. We've had more sunshine in the past week than we've had in the previous month and...
29/07/2012 20:50
The Lord gave us a good Sunday. We had good attendance in all of our services. (17 this morning and this evening. 18 in total.) This morning I preached on "Being a Good Evangelist" from Philip's trip to the desert. Our topical study tonight was on, "Growing in...
Day #5 HBT
27/07/2012 19:59
God gave us another great day. The spirit has been wonderful all week long and the kids have faithfully attended. We had one first time visitor today and a total of 24 kids who attended at some point this week.
The Lord gave us good helpers this week with our church folks and other...
Day #4 of HBT
26/07/2012 15:01
Today we had our first visitors from our HBT flyer. John brought his two grandchildren to participate. We were glad to see them. He had told Katie that he was going to bring the kids today when Katie met him last week. John told me the funny story of getting the flyer. His...
Day #3 of HBT
25/07/2012 21:22
The Lord gave us another great day. We had a good group (19 kids) with great weather. We are having a lot of fun! (That is an answer to prayer.) Thanks for praying.
Day #2 of HBT
24/07/2012 15:52
The Lord gave us another good day. Yesterday the children proved their "nationality" and played games in the rain without seeming to mind. Thankfully the weather was a bit better today. Although it's been an overcast day, it has not been raining. So, game time was dry and...
The Beginning of the Games!!!
23/07/2012 13:27
We had an "Olympic" start to our HBT with 19 kids present and 5 adults. We also had the Weaver family helping us today which was a real blessing. Everything went very well. We appreciate your prayers and we are trusting the Lord for a great week.
Last night our church family...
We all went to church!
22/07/2012 13:20
Praise the Lord we were all able to attend church this morning. And after returning, we were glad that we did because the kids appear to be better. Thanks for praying. God is good.
We had good attendance today. Adele and the Hikins were present for Sunday School. Alec and...
Items: 1701 - 1710 of 1788