Article archive
A refreshing day.
02/09/2012 13:27
The Lord gave us a refreshing Sunday. We had a "tough" Sunday last week (for whatever reason we were exhausted) and it is good to be refreshed by the Lord. We had 3 visitors join us for the morning service. They have a ministry to the schools in Britain. They had visited us once...
Free Website
01/09/2012 20:37
We succeeded in exceeding our "free limit" without adverts on our website. (That is great because it means that you are keeping up with us.) So, welcome to our free world with adds.
The Lord gave us a great day today. This morning I did door to door and had several great contacts. Joanne...
Quieting down....
31/08/2012 19:27
Well, we are past our big events on our calendar and life is getting ready to go back to normal. Katie is gearing up to teach the kids. They are planning on starting next Tuesday. Please pray for her as she gets ready to teach 4 of them.
We had a good service last night with...
Pastor's Fellowship
28/08/2012 15:22
The Lord gave us a great day. The spirit in our fellowship was very sweet, the food was good and the weather was lovely. Thanks for praying for this day. I would have loved to have had you there. You would have enjoyed hearing everyone singing. That kind of service...
2 visitors
27/08/2012 08:38
The Lord gave us two visitors in our morning service. Richard is from a nearby nursing home. And his friend brought him to church. They had to leave during the message due to Richard's inability to sit for long periods of time. But, we were glad that they visited. Connie's...
Door to door with Benson
25/08/2012 16:03
Benson and I just got back from doing door to door. He was happy to go with me after I mentioned that I would buy him an ice cream cone! We had a good time.
The Lord gave us several small opportunities to chat with people. One longer opportunity was very good. I was able...
A new flyer and some witnessing opportunities
24/08/2012 21:55
The Lord helped me complete our next flyer. I'm burdened for people to understand that God IS a God of love. Please pray for God to open hearts with this new tool. I'll also be putting an invitation to visit our church with this flyer. On the back of the invitation is a list of what...
Good Thursday
23/08/2012 21:02
The Lord gave us a great night tonight. We had 17 kids and 5 adults. That makes for craziness for Katie but it's good to have all the kids there. Two of the kids are from England and will be returning in a couple of weeks.
Tonight we completed a 3 week study on sanctification....
Dodging Showers
22/08/2012 12:51
Thankfully the rain held off until just after I finished this morning. I was putting out flyers through Newtongrange, a village about 3 miles from Loanhead. I had one good opportunity with Allie. He is 19 and doesn't believe anything. I showed him Psalm 22 where Christ's death is...
Fun Monday
21/08/2012 12:48
We enjoyed getting to a nearby village for some family fun on Monday. After a busy week, it was nice to just lay low for a day. I've put a new photo album on the website from our day. Summer has finally arrived in the UK and it was a gorgeous day. God's good to give us...
Items: 1681 - 1690 of 1788