Article archive
Moving update
25/10/2012 13:53
The packing is going very well. We have boxes everywhere. Thankfully, we are getting close to being done. We are all getting pretty excited.
Nelson has been my cute assistant as I go to get boxes. He enjoys being daddy's helper. Everyone else has been doing a bit of packing every day. The kids...
A refreshing Sunday
21/10/2012 21:35
We were tired last night but God gave us a refreshing day. (We enjoyed heading to Dundee for a baby shower for Kirk and Carrie. We spent the night Friday night and came back yesterday evening.)
Adele and the Hikins were with us all day. Constance, Alec and Margaret joined us...
A fast week
19/10/2012 09:50
Everything is speeding up as we get closer to moving. This has been a wet weather week and a busy week. So, evangelism has been limited. But, the Lord gave us a good service last night. The Hikins, Christine and her boys, and Alec were with us. We enjoyed a good discussion during our Bible...
A 'lovely' day.
15/10/2012 13:04
It is a gorgeous day today with clear skies and no wind. I put out flyers this morning. It was pretty but also very cold in the 30's when I began. By 11 I was getting hot and wishing I didn't have a heavy coat on.
The Lord gave me 3 divine appointments. The first was a witnessing opportunity....
A sweet song
14/10/2012 14:06
We had a testimony time this morning at church and it was good to have our people participate. Margaret has become a faithful attendee. She asked if she could sing a song that she wrote at a time of trial. What a blessing. I want her to sing it while we record it. It was very Biblical and...
A couple divine appointments
12/10/2012 15:47
We enjoyed a good midweek service last night despite the heavy rain. We've gotten an abundance of rain this year. I wish we could share it with all of you who are experiencing drought.
I had a neat divine appointment last night. There are two halls at our meeting location. The other larger hall...
Back at it
10/10/2012 12:04
It felt good to be out doing flyers again. We've had a bit of a different schedule the past two weeks. I'm sure that it will be an odd schedule for a while as we move this month. (Note: We are moving on the 29th.) It is a sunny day with heavy frost this morning.
The Lord gave me a...
A good day
07/10/2012 20:41
The Lord gave us a very good Sunday. It was well attended and Jim and Valerie Knies were a real blessing. We had visitors in both services. Please pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of those who attended. Tomorrow morning, Alec, Jim, Mark and I are heading over to Livingstone for...
A very memorable day.
05/10/2012 20:42
Those who have followed these updates for a long time may know that we have an annual professional golf tournament pilgrimage. Today was the day we attended the Dunhill Links Golf Championship played at Carnoustie, St. Andrews and Kinsbarns. We went to Kingsbarns because the major...
Another good day
04/10/2012 19:50
The Lord gave me a divine appointment this morning as I walked. I had seen this young father before and had been burdened for him. I saw him coming my way today and prayed that the Lord would give me a chance to speak with him. Please pray for this young man. He and his wife...
Items: 1651 - 1660 of 1788