Article archive
Back at it....
12/11/2012 16:37
It was good to get out today for a couple hours and put out flyers. It seems like it has been a while since I have been able to do that. Lord willing, we will be getting our schedule back soon. I had two divine appointments while I was out. One was with an unbeliever and one with a believer. I...
A good morning
11/11/2012 15:35
We had a nice morning. Adele has been helping Katie in Sunday School this past year. Today she taught the class. This is a great blessing to Katie and very helpful in our ministry. Mark and I watched a Ken Ham video on Creation in our adult class. Laura was unable to be there because one of...
Happy Birthday!!!!
08/11/2012 16:50
Brodrick McCheyne Hansen was born this morning at 12:30 AM weighing in at 8.8 pounds. Praise the Lord for a healthy baby boy. Carrie endured a long labor and is doing well.
Mr. Mom has been relieved from duty having been thoroughly trained on the use of all household...
Who's next?
07/11/2012 20:45
That was one of the thoughts going through my head as I heard footsteps running to my door at midnight and at one. If you read my previous post you are aware that the stomach bug struck the Shore family on Mr. Mom's watch. I didn't get much sleep last night and don't think I am exaggerating to...
When it rains....
06/11/2012 21:12
Well my life is anything but dull just now. We found out last night that my sister in law is going to have the baby soon. (Yes we are all excited.) So, this morning we took Katie up to Dundee to help Kirk and Carrie. Please pray for Carrie. This is their first. (You can...
We are getting there.
05/11/2012 18:27
We are nearly moved into our home. There are still some piles of boxes in a couple rooms and some storage needed. But, we are getting there. I picked up a nice futon today for our office/guest bedroom. The Lord gave me a good opportunity to speak to the German lady who was selling it as I...
Back online!
03/11/2012 18:13
Praise the Lord. We are happy to be connected again. There were three faults that had to be sorted with our phone line. I feel sorry for the British telecom engineer who had to spend 5 hours with us today.
It's been a good but tiring week. It is nice to be at this point in our...
A Successful Move
30/10/2012 18:05
Thanks for praying for our move. It has been a great success thus far. We had a perfect group of helpers as we moved 3 miles to Loanhead. We had movers, cleaners and cookers assisting us. What a blessing.
The house is wonderful. It goes way beyond what we could have imagined God would do for...
A visiting preacher
28/10/2012 16:46
We enjoyed having Don and Chris Dillman with us today. The Dillmans have faithfully served the Lord in Scotland for many years. They are dear friends and it was a joy to have them with us today. Pastor Dillman is my moving truck driver tomorrow. He preached on John 15 in SS and Psalm 32 in...
SNOW, snow, s.n.o.w (just a little)
26/10/2012 20:45
Yes, winter has arrived. We had a brief snow shower this evening that caused quite a bit of excitement in our family. The kid's and Katie were excited as well. It wasn't "normal" snow but you could pack it together. I'll put a pic. below.
We had a good service last night. It was our...
Items: 1641 - 1650 of 1788