Article archive


23/04/2013 20:15
I listened to two very encouraging and challenging sermons as I put out flyers this morning.  I heard Pastor Bill Lytell preach on the power of the seed. "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION, TO EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH." I also heard a...

Back at it

22/04/2013 16:05
I put a few hundred flyers out this morning. It was good to get back into the routine of ministry.  It's easy to think that it is futile (and it would be without God's ability to work in men's hearts.) Please pray for God's Spirit to open the hearts of those who received it. I also wanted to...

Good Lord's Day

21/04/2013 20:45
  It was a blessing to be back with our church today. God gave us good attendance, good help and a great spirit. Please pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of our children. We had 16 children this morning in Sunday School. Please also pray for their teachers. I preached this morning on...

Happy Holiday!!!! :)

20/04/2013 19:39
We have just returned from a wonderful holiday (vacation.)  We took a week off and headed to the southern most part of the mainland of Scotland.  Special thanks to Don and Chris Dillman, Richard Weaver, and Leah Devers who filled in for us in our absence.  This is our longest break...

Out of the office.....

12/04/2013 12:55
We are taking a break and will not be posting again for a wee while.  Look forward to sharing God's goodness with you when we are posting again. Thanks for faithfully keeping up with us and our ministry.

The Ausi

11/04/2013 13:33
Dan was a great blessing to our family. He is a mature young man with a genuine heart for the Lord. It was a joy to have him in our home and to get to show him some of our area.  Dan went with me yesterday to St. Andrews and Burntisland. On the way we visited Jeff Smith. Please continue to...

Faithful Attendance

07/04/2013 22:35
Although we didn't have large attendance today, those that were there (with one exception) came to all 3 service. God blessed our small group. The children's Sunday School went well. We enjoyed a good time in our adult class as we looked at Ephesians 4. I preached on how the enemy will attempt to...

The sun is out....

05/04/2013 22:06
This week has been encouraging weather for us. It's not hot but the sun is out and the days are getting much longer. It was light until well after 8 this evening. Yeah for summer time! I didn't update yesterday because we didn't have a service last night due to petrol fumes in the building. Why? I...

Praise the Lord for safety. :)

03/04/2013 21:32
Sometimes the Lord keeps you ignorant of just how dangerous an area can be. Missionary Don Dillman just sent me a link to an article that is interesting. But what makes it most interesting is that we were doing evangelism on this street in the afternoon the day before.  I witnessed to a man...

Putting out the flyer

03/04/2013 12:36
I began putting our new flyer out today. God gave us a beautiful day with sunshine and very little wind. I had a few divine appointments. 2 were with believers and the other was with a man to whom I have witnessed in the past. I'm excited about getting back in the routine and am looking forward to...
Items: 1551 - 1560 of 1788
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