Article archive
We're back.... :)
23/08/2013 19:55
We are just back from a four night stay away. The Lord allowed us to get a nice holiday up in the highlands this week. We are refreshed and very thankful for God's goodness. The weather was great and the scenery was lovely. I took some pictures on my walk this morning. I'll put a couple below. I'll...
Good attendance....
18/08/2013 12:32
The Lord gave us a good turnout today. We had a returning visitor who was away for several months. We also had a visitor from New Zealand. He found us on the web and visited. His family was from Loanhead but he was born in Edinburgh. The rest were regular attendees. In total we had 35...
A good night....
16/08/2013 22:05
The Lord gave us a good midweek service last night. It's fun to have my family here to participate in ministry. Dad is going to preach on music during the next two Sunday evening services. He is also going to share a challenge at the men's prayer breakfast tomorrow and preach next Sunday morning....
Family has arrived....
13/08/2013 21:24
My mom, dad and aunt arrived today. The Lord gave them good flights over here and they are beginning to adjust to our time zone. It's fun to show them the home the Lord has provided and to let them see our area. They will also be participating in our ministry while they are here. Mom is going to...
11/08/2013 12:34
It was a joy to have a mother and four children with us this morning as a direct result of our HBT. They intend to keep coming. We also had two other adult visitors and a child. Our church people were also faithful and God gave us a good day.
I preached this morning on the story of the ten lepers...
Day 4, final day....still smiling ;)
08/08/2013 21:31
"The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad." God has been very good to our church. The team that came to assist us was a perfect compliment to our ministry. Our church people stepped up and filled in any gap that they could. We had a total of 32 children come this week....
Day 3
07/08/2013 22:12
It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun. We enjoyed having our highest attendance ever of 27 kids today. Each day we have met for a half hour prayer time before HBT. We have seen the Lord answer some very specific prayer request. Please pray for our final day tomorrow. We have a morning and...
Day 2
06/08/2013 21:15
Another great day!
There was a really good spirit today and the weather allowed us to have game time outside. We had 19 children without any new ones. So, that was a pretty good return. We have invited others today and are still praying for some new ones to come.
Day 1
06/08/2013 09:11
What a great start! The Lord blessed us with 23 children yesterday. They all enjoyed it. The day was overcast and rainy. But, it didn't hinder the attendance at all and may have helped.
The program ran very smoothly. The visiting team and our church folks worked very hard to make it a...
Here we go.....
04/08/2013 22:27
Tomorrow is the beginning of our Holiday Bible Time. We are very excited and trust that the Lord will give us a good week. He gave us a great day today. The team helped with Sunday School. That was a blessing. They also participated in the ministry of music. That was a great encouragement as...
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