Article archive

Pictures from yesterday. :)

28/09/2013 19:47
Please see previous post for more info about these pictures. :) We arrived early and got the best spot to watch hole 15 a par 3. The Camera man. :)  A good friend and fellow missionary, Don Dillman Ernie Els

Dunhill Links Golf Championship

28/09/2013 08:06
The Lord gave us a fun day yesterday at the Dunhill Links tournament. This is an annual event as we head to a beautiful golf course to watch some professional golf. I don't want to cause any envy in the hearts of those who enjoy watching golf. But, this event is free and it is held at Kingsbarns...

Into the city.....

26/09/2013 15:09
The Lord gave us several great opportunities as we passed out flyers in Edinburgh. I told John I was taking him on a running tour. We handed out flyers, visited key religious history points, ran into gift shops, etc. But, we also had 3 great opportunities to share the Gospel.  It is a...

A college friend.

25/09/2013 20:28
John Glass arrived here on Tuesday morning. He is a good friend from college days. As he said, "We went to school together in the 1990's."  I prefer, "the late 1990's." It's been fun to catch up with him. He works for an airline and is able to fly standby. The Lord helped him get his flights...

A fun Sunday.

22/09/2013 13:56
The Lord gave us an encouraging morning. Although the Hikins were unable to be there with their family, we still had 28 people present this morning. (I just talked with Mark and they are doing much better. Thanks for praying for them.)  There was also a sweet spirit in our services. Katie and...

Getting Ready for Sunday.

21/09/2013 22:19
The Lord gave us a good Saturday. Benson was my door to door partner today. The kids are learning that whoever goes with me gets to buys some sweeties. So, they have some extra motivation to assist me. (I bet your pastor would consider that if you'd go along with him. :) We had a few good we...


20/09/2013 22:34
The Lord reminded me today how much He can be involved in our day. We had 4 divine appointments. One was in front of our home. Two others were in Edinburgh. Those two were with two different people/families for whom our church is praying. Another was as I was waiting to park my car. I ended up...

Getting out and about.....

18/09/2013 11:52
I'm just happy to not be lost after the neighborhood I went through this morning. You'd have to see it to understand it. There are rows of houses that turn every which way and at times have no road and parking lot around them. I asked the postman how often he get's lost doing his route. He said he...


17/09/2013 09:01
Our weather has really changed in the last couple of days. Over the weekend we had gale force winds and now we have temperatures in the morning which are in the low forties.  We turned our heat on last night and accidently left it on all night. So, we feel like we are in Florida right now if...

Door to door....

14/09/2013 16:36
Kay Lee was my helper this morning as I did door to door. The Lord gave us one very good opportunity to speak with a young atheist. We chatted for over half an hour and went through a lot of Scripture. The Lord guided and this young man was very kind to listen. He brought up the pope's recent...
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