Article archive

HBC flyers

13/07/2015 15:17
Kay Lee and Benson helped me put out some Holiday Bible Club flyers this afternoon. We were able to get a good bit done before the rain chased us back inside. Please pray that the parents will encourage their kids to attend. The baptismal service went well yesterday. Two of our children, Parker (8...

A good morning.

12/07/2015 12:50
We enjoyed good services this morning. We didn't have high attendance. But, God blessed our meeting. I preached this morning on, "Seeking God's Presence" from Exodus 33. Now, we are getting ready to head to North Berwick for the baptismal service. Thank you for your prayers.

D to D with Benson

11/07/2015 16:41
This morning we enjoyed a men's prayer breakfast with a sister church in Livingston. We get together about every other month at a carvery. It's a good Scottish breakfast and the price is great. When we got back Benson and I did door to door. God gave us two great chats. An elderly church of...

Static Caravan (trailer) Park

08/07/2015 11:44
This morning I did flyers through a caravan park. I would guess I put out close to 200 flyers. I had one divine appointment with a young lady who lives away from here. She was very anti-religion but then admitted that she is jealous of people of faith. She has visited churches with friends who are...

Church Anniversary Sunday

05/07/2015 17:03
Today we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Free Baptist Church in Loanhead, Scotland. God has been very good. He gave us good attendance and a good day. It was a fun morning as we rehearsed what God did in putting a church here. I preached this morning from the passage that was being preached when...

Nelson vs Dad

29/06/2015 15:26
Nelson went with me today as I took the van into the LPG (autogas) tech. Thank you for praying. The tech. who I have come to know quite well because of our poor running system, called the maker of our system to ask for a solution. He is going to try to fix it before we opt to replace it. Please...

What day is it?

28/06/2015 13:38
Today was one of those days where the Lord had to remind me that it was Sunday when I woke up. :) We had a good morning. We are currently recording hymns on our piano before church so that Katie can hold Mac during the service. Thankfully our piano has the ability to record. When we started the...

That good kind of tired.

27/06/2015 19:18
The Lord gave us a great day! Thank you for praying. We had beautiful warm weather and I'm actually pretty sunburned. That is quite unusual in Scotland. This was the best day for Gala day since we have been in Scotland. Our tent location was great for our archery. (See pics below.) Everyone was...

Getting ready for Gala Day.....

26/06/2015 13:03
 Tomorrow we set up our Gala day tent. We’ve purchased a recurve bow that shoots large suction cup arrows. We will also have our badge (button) maker for the kids to put badges together. Katie and the kids have worked hard putting goodie bags together. Our invitation to HBC and a wordless...

My helper, Nelson....

24/06/2015 13:42
Nelson went with me this morning to do flyers. He just turned five in April but he is a great walker. We did a pretty good sized area in just over an hour. The Lord gave us a great chat with a lady. We both attended a funeral recently for a shared acquaintance. We realized that during our...
Items: 1221 - 1230 of 1789
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