Article archive

Gray, gray and more gray....but not raining! :)

28/07/2015 15:39
The Lord gave us a good adequate day to get into Edinburgh with Garrett. He leaves tomorrow and has been a big help. He and I handed out flyers as I showed him some of the Christian history of our area. We had two really good opportunities to share Christ. One was with a group of three construction...

My Mom and Dad....

27/07/2015 12:49
Our sending church is my home church where my father has pastored for the last 27 years. Bible Baptist in Hudson, WI has been a wonderful pastorate for dad. Yesterday was my parents last day at Bible Baptist as they have just resigned that ministry. Please pray for God to supply just the right...

Praise the Lord.

26/07/2015 12:40
We gave a Bible away this morning to the young lady who trusted Christ this past week. Praise the Lord, it was great to have her in church with us. Please continue to pray for the other kids. Many of them are away on the weekends. Please pray that they will be with us on Thursday night for our...

Finished Already?!

24/07/2015 21:04
It is hard to believe that the week is over all ready. God gave us a great week. We have had good HBC's in the past but I really feel like this was our best year. The kids were all a bit older and there was a really good spirit in every activity. All of the kids were disappointed that today was the...

Almost there....

23/07/2015 21:21
God gave us a really good day. It started with sun, then rain, then sun, then clouds, then rain.... Thankfully it was sun when it came to game time. I thought for sure we were going to have to have games inside.  We had 24 kids plus Mac. Two kids weren't there that have been there. We had one...

Holiday Bible Club, day 3!

22/07/2015 15:34
Day three brought in 25 children including 2 more first time visitors.  We really could not ask for a more cooperative and attentive group of children!  They are all excited about team points and bringing 5 more children.  We decided if we reach an attendance total of 30 children...

HBC Day 2, & Why didn't we cross the road?

21/07/2015 20:56
HBC was again a great success. Praise the Lord. We had 21 children (plus Mac) with three new children. One of those was a first time visitor. One child who came yesterday was unable to attend today. God blessed the weather and the rain came down right at the end of our game time. This afternoon...

HBC Day 1

20/07/2015 17:08
The Lord gave us a great start to our HBC. Although it was raining when we arrived the weather was good during the event. Afterwards, it rained when we were leaving. The program went well. Attendance was good. We had 19 children plus Mac. Three of those were first time visitors. It was a really...

Garrett has arrived....

19/07/2015 14:29
The Lord gave us a good morning. We were pleased to have a man visit both SS and church this morning. He enjoyed his time with us and said that he would be back. Please pray that we can be a blessing to him. I preached this morning on, "Overwhelmed or Overcoming" from Psalm 31. The kids all...

Productive week....

15/07/2015 15:02
Thanks for praying for us as we get ready for our Holiday Bible Club. We have put out some more flyers today. This time our whole family went out. It's amazing how much quicker it goes with everyone.  Katie and the kids are still working on decorations and Katie is preparing the power point...
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