Article archive

Prayer Support Needed for Andersons

18/09/2023 20:06
Thank you for praying for Brother Steve. He has now been in the hospital in Scotland for 23 days. Travel plans are now in place to get him back to the States. Please pray for TREMENDOUS grace from God to help them. God has been faithful thus far and there is no doubt His grace will see them...

Sanctuary works

13/09/2023 21:42
Thank you for praying for our work on the sanctuary. Althought my second cousin's family was delayed a day in arriving, we got a good start on the project today. Pastor Josh Roberts (Wales) also helped us. Brother Josh arrived to visit with the Andersons.  The Andersons were scheduled to be...

Life has been busy....

10/09/2023 14:22
Apologies for not updating more recently. I didn't realise I had gotten this far behind, but it has been very busy around here. Thank you for praying for Brother Steve Anderson. He continues with his hospitilization and therapy. Please pray for wisdom as the Anderson's seek a transfer in God's...

Video Link

31/08/2023 23:44
Thank you for praying for Brother Steve. Today was an encouraging day with many things for which to praise the Lord. Brother Steve recorded a video update for Baptist World Mission home office where he works. Martha has given us encouragement to share this video more broadly. I have posted it to...

Prayer Update

29/08/2023 18:34
Thank you for praying for Brother Steve Anderson. God's hand has been very evident and everyone is continually being reminded of the thousands of voices being lifted in a concert of prayer for Brother Steve.   Please continue to pray for Brother Steve's healing and restoration. Please pray for...

Urgent Prayer Request

27/08/2023 13:32
Many of you will be aware that Brother Steve Anderson had a significant health emergency. Yesterday morning about 10:30, Brother Steve had a stroke. We spent the day at the hospital and we were back there this morning as well. We're heading back there this afternoon. Thankfully, the hopsital is...

Some encouragement

24/08/2023 13:50
The Lord has given us some encouragement lately. We enjoyed having 4 visitors at church last Sunday PM. We had 3 first time children and an adult join us. It was fun to have good attendance on a Sunday PM. We're also looking forward to having Steve and Martha Anderson with us starting tomorrow...

Sunday AM

20/08/2023 12:40
Those who were able to attend church this morning enjoyed good fellowship and good time in God's Word. We nearly finished Dr. Ed Nelson's, "Growing in Grace" this morning during our S.S. hour. It has been a good study for us. In the AM service I preached on, "Numbering Our Days" from the Psalm of...

Wednesday update take two....

16/08/2023 22:05
I don't always do a Wednesday update, but I have great news. A young man (27) whom we have known for 10 years attended church this evening and trusted Christ as His Saviour. He is excited and so are we. God is so very good! How we long for more people to know the joy of having Christ as their...

Safe travel and outreach update

16/08/2023 13:54
God blessed our family with some really sweet times with all the kids home this summer. Kay Lee and Benson flew back on Tuesday to prepare for the start of the Autumn Semester at Ambassador Baptist College in NC. We'll miss them, but we are excited about how God is leading and working in their...
Items: 121 - 130 of 1786
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