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09/08/2016 16:19
The county newspaper has recently started inviting ministers to contribute to a column. I was very happy to participate and had an article recently printed entitled, "Do Good People Go To Heaven?" If you would like to read it please click on the article title and it will take you there.
Catching up....
09/08/2016 15:08
We are catching up with life after a busy week and need to catch you up. We enjoyed having Pastor McPhillips preach all three services on Sunday. All of his messages were a blessing. He preached Sunday morning on Psalm 16.
Monday morning at 6:30 the team departed for Ireland. Today they are...
Great Finale!
06/08/2016 08:38
Our total attendance for the week was 35 children and 5 adults. So, we hit our 40 goal! My wife and I got a shaving cream pie in the face (from each other) and Pastor McPhillips and Jim also went down! Thank you for praying.
Some of the mothers and kids have indicated that they will be there on...
Going strong and in the final stretch....
04/08/2016 21:11
The Lord blessed our day today with 27 kids this morning, 33 total thus far for the week. Tonight we had a great turn out for our meeting including 4 visiting children and two mums. It was a great day! Thank you for praying.
Shaving Cream Pie
03/08/2016 21:19
Praise the Lord, Kay Lee and Rusty got a pie in the face today because we went over 25 registered to 29 registered for the week. We had 23 in attendance and had a great day. We have had good weather each day for game time for which we have been thankful. The lessons went well today and the children...
Gained a few....
02/08/2016 19:09
We had another good day at HBC. We had 3 first time (ever) children and 4 who have attended other years. So, we have now had a total of 24 kids come to HBC. Tomorrow, Kay Lee and Solomon will probably get a pie in their face. We like to have a little fun with the kids. So, the team leaders get a...
A good start!
01/08/2016 21:49
The Lord gave us a great day of HBC. There was a good group of kids (18) and a good spirit. The program went well and everyone's help made the day easy.
We knocked on doors this afternoon for about an hour to try to recruit some more kids and had a few good contacts. So, we'll see who is able...
They Made it!
31/07/2016 12:51
Last night our weary travelers (with great spirit) arrived at 10:00. They had been traveling for 30 hours. Thank you for praying for their travels they had some excitement along the way including a flat tire that nearly made them miss the ferry.
God gave us a good morning. We had two adults attend...
4 more kids....
28/07/2016 11:23
We just had lady call about the Bible Club and she is going to bring 4 children on Monday. Please pray for God to do a great work through this Bible Club!
Getting out HBC Flyers....
26/07/2016 13:45
We had an encouraging phone call yesterday from the mother of a 7 year old who is going to attend our HBC. Kay Lee, Katie and Mac put out some flyers yesterday morning and she got one posted through her door. Hopefully several children will come just from receiving a flyer.
This morning, Katie, Kay...
Items: 1041 - 1050 of 1789