Article archive
Catching up on desk work....
16/11/2016 09:51
This is a good week for me to catch up on things as Brother Layton Kelly is preaching for us this Sunday. I've needed some catch up time. The Lord gave me a good divine appointment as I had an interview for my British passport. Please pray that God will awaken Paul's heart. He is religious but...
A good busy week....
13/11/2016 12:57
The Lord has given us a good but busy week. Don and I were unable to get out on Wednesday to do flyers as he threw out his back. But, I saw him on Thursday as he attended a Revival Prayer Meeeting that we host with some area Pastors. We had 4 pastors and a laymen in total at the prayer time. God...
Ladies Meeting Tonight
07/11/2016 11:39
Tonight is our monthly ladies' meeting. I would tell you about it.... but I don't get to attend. I get to escape with five boys and Bernard to hopefully someplace warm (usually Ikea.) Katie prepares a Bible study to share with the ladies and they also enjoy a hot drink with something nice to...
Saturday and Sunday
06/11/2016 13:38
The Lord gave us some good visits yesterday in our door to door ministry. Kay Lee and Nelson went with me. It is definitely getting more winterish outside and the kids were glad to get back inside.
We had good services this morning. I preached on a fun story of Elisha and the Armies of Syria in...
Good friends....
03/11/2016 11:06
One of the blessing of serving the Lord in Scotland is having other missionaries close by. Don and Chris Dillman are also with our board and have been in Scotland for 23 years. God used their ministry at our church in MI to bring us on a mission trip to Scotland which was the catalyst to our call...
Autumn Sunshine
01/11/2016 11:06
The weather was gorgeous this morning as I put out flyers near Loanhead. I was able to put out close to two hundred in about an hour and a half. I enjoyed listening to Tom Farrell preach on the "Biggest Business in the World" (soul winning) as I put out flyers. It's a great message preached...
Go and tell....
30/10/2016 12:55
The Lord gave us a good morning although we didn't have record attendance. There was a good spirit in our services and we enjoyed our time together around God's Word. I preached this morning on "The Priceless Key" from Matthew 28:16-20. This is the great commission passage in Matthew. God has given...
Citizenship Day
27/10/2016 09:32
We have an appointment this afternoon for a citizenship ceremony where we will receive our certificate of British Citizenship. Praise the Lord. We asked the Lord when we came to "plant us in this land with His whole heart and soul." (Jeremiah 32:41) God is definitely doing that.
I had some good...
She's back!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!
25/10/2016 10:42
Wow, are we thankful to have mom back! (I'm thankful to have my wife back.) She had a wonderful time with her family and the funeral went very well. She also had great flights back, slept and felt well. Thank you for praying.
We partly surprised her with new bunks in the boys room when she...
Still here...
22/10/2016 21:49
....just really busy. :) God has been very good to us this week with Katie back in the States. The kids have been a great help and some have helped with meals as well. So, praise the Lord, we are going to make it until she returns on Monday. She has had a great trip. The time with her family has...
Items: 1011 - 1020 of 1789