Article archive

Stateside Visitor

11/12/2016 12:55
It was good to have a young woman from the States visit our church this morning. She is from Florida and had heard of our ministry somehow. We're enjoying her company today. This is our busy Sunday. This afternoon is the Trust Service. I'm going to preach the same message I preached in our church...

New Signs

09/12/2016 09:45
After 6 years we thought it was time to replace our church signs. It is amazing that our roll up banner stand signs had lasted that long. We are very pleased with the new signs which we got this week. I'll put some pictures below.

Ladies' Christmas Tea....

06/12/2016 11:05
The ladies' Christmas tea went very well last night. It was a busy day as Logan had his 11th birthday yesterday as well. It's fun seeing the kids grow up. I feel like I'm shrinking. Katie always works very hard to give the ladies' a wonderful Christmas party. There was very good attendance last...


04/12/2016 13:01
Thursday night we had a very encouraging service. We had another little girl visit our church and a young family of four visited as well. We've been praying for God to fill up our chairs and we were excited to make some progress. The family are young believers that we know from our community. They...

Witnessing with Don....

30/11/2016 13:29
Don and I got out in his new area of Newbridge. He and his wife are starting a Bible study to help start a church there. We had some good divine appointments as we put out flyers and knocked on doors. One man who is anti-religion was attentive as I shared with him some information about God's...

Neighbouring villages

28/11/2016 12:54
This morning I put out flyers in a couple of villages that are nearby. The Lord gave me one divine appointment with a Church of Scotland elder. He told me that he didn't think he would go to Heaven. He listened as I shared the Gospel with him. It's sad to me to meet someone who is religious but...


27/11/2016 13:28
The Lord gave us a good spirit this morning with decent attendance. One young girl who missed her ride this morning walked to church with her older sister. It was encouraging to see her take the extra effort to get there. She is very faithful in her attendance even though she is only 8. I preached...

Parker and I...

26/11/2016 13:56 out and knocked on some doors this morning. It was a bit warmer today. We've had frost on the ground for the last 4 days which never melted. The Lord gave us a few good opportunities to invite people to church and one good opportunity to open the Bible with one lady. Please pray that God...


23/11/2016 10:10
Our family is looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow and taking time to recognize God's goodness. We want to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. We are blessed to have strong prayer and financial supporters. Thank you for standing with our church and family!

Missionary Layton Kelly

21/11/2016 14:20
The Lord gave us a really great day with Missionary Layton Kelly and one of his staff, Aiden Curan. It was not the day we had planned. Katie had to miss the day as Mac was unwell. (We'd appreciate your prayers for him as he has had a 6 week cold and then got the vomit bug this weekend.) Another...
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