Article archive

Street Preaching

11/12/2023 13:17
The Lord gave adequate weather today to get out preaching on the street in Edinburgh. God gave liberty and encouragement today.  It's heart breaking to consider how many people are on their way to Hell and who are careless about their soul. Spiritual well being used to concern human...

Sunday blessings....

10/12/2023 12:54
It was a joy to have more people out for SS and church this morning than we have had for the past few weeks. We thank God for our church family. It's wonderful when we are able to fellowship with one another. I preached this morning on, "Comfort for God's People" from Isaiah 40. It was good to...

Outreach and LIGHTS

06/12/2023 21:06
I was able to get out doing evangelism with Pastor Dillman in his area today. We put out a lot of invitations for their Carol Sing service. Please pray for God to bless those flyers and bring out people for that evening of ministry. Afterwards I put out around 100 flyers near our church location....

Exterior Lighting being Installed

05/12/2023 19:36
Our electricians are working hard to install exterior lighting on the church this week. It's already looking great! There are 4 more up and down lighters to be installed and then the job will be completed. Here are some pics.

Back at it and enjoying the ministry.

03/12/2023 12:59
Thank you for your prayers for my travels. I had a wonderful time with my parents and extended family. I can't imagine a better two weeks away.  Our attendance was down this morning, but I enjoyed teaching and preaching. My  morning message was on, "Wise Character" from Proverbs 2:10-21....

A solid Sunday....

19/11/2023 13:05
I''m thankful for God's grace to our church family. We have seen some be more faithful in the past few weeks and were greatful for the work God is doing in hearts. We had a good solid morning. I preached this morning on, "Prayers Which God Hears" from Nehemiah 1. It is a great text from whicht to...

Remembrance Sunday

12/11/2023 13:09
Today is Rememberance Sunday in the United Kingdom. Our church had a two minute silence as we began our 11 AM service to remember those who died for our liberties. It's good to give honour to those to whom honour is due. We appreciate our military keeping us safe and thank those who gave the...

a great day

07/11/2023 17:32
God blessed our pastor's fellowship meeting today. Brother Alan Patterson, his wife Jan, and Gina and Gerry Broerer were a great blessing to each one of us. We enjoyed hearing their testimonies and being challenged from God's Word. The singing, fellowship, and prayer made for a great...

Thanks for your prayers!

05/11/2023 12:57
Well, it was a great work week. Praise the Lord. We were very busy and very blessed to have had help this past week. Pastor Michael Talley and his wife, Marsha, assisted us from Tuesday-Friday. Pastor Les Hill, his son and an friend, helped us from Wednesday - Friday. Pastor Don Dillman assisted us...

Outreach this week....

25/10/2023 14:00
This has been a "normal" week of ministry - praise the Lord. I did street preaching on Monday. Tuesday, I put out our church flyer to about 200 homes in Bilston. Tuesday night Katie and I enjoyed visiting some of our HBC kid's homes. Lord willing some of them will be out for our kid's club this...
Items: 101 - 110 of 1786
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