Article archive
Wow - another week beginning.
09/02/2025 13:21
I feel like I just turned around and another Sunday is here. This past week went incredibly fast. I put out literature on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was a study day and ministry night. Thursday, I flew to Ireland and enjoyed fellowship and prayer. Brother Les Hill had two missionaries join us in...
Catch up, update
02/02/2025 13:42
God gave us a good, but busy week. A guest flew in from Ireland and was with us from Sunday night through Wednesday morning. Monday was street preaching. Tuesday and Wednesday were literature distribution days. All of Loanhead has nearly received the new flyers. This is around 3500 homes. Pastor...
Great Day
27/01/2025 17:55
God's blessed us with a great day. Katie is doing well! Praise the Lord. Thank you again for your prayers for her. A young lady, Rebekah, who is from Germany is with us for a few nights and arrived last night. We were thankful that Katie is well as the plan seemed like it might not work. Rebekah...
Katie update and Church
26/01/2025 14:03
Praise the Lord, Katie was able to attend church today. Her scan on Friday morning showed three kidney stone. She's been pretty miserable. If church was yesterday, she would have had to stay home. Although she was up in the night with pain, she feels good today and was able to attend church. Is...
The eye of the storm.
24/01/2025 09:26
Good morning, this is an unusual Friday morning update as there are unusual things happening this week.
I'd appreciate your prayers for Katie as she ended up in hospital with suspected kidney stones. They kept her overnight and have done a scan this morning. We've not yet heard the report back on...
Street Preaching and Evangelism
21/01/2025 16:08
It feels great to be back at it. Evangelism was impacted by the holidays, but mostly it has been the weather. Thankfully, our weather is now much better and evangelism is going strong. We enjoyed doing door to door on Saturday. A teenage girl went with us and it's a blessing having her along. Katie...
first time visitors
19/01/2025 13:53
God blessed us with a good Sunday. A young man who had been seriously ill was able to be back out with us. Some other church family were also back which is always a blessing. The attendance was good and we had a mother and teenage son visit our church. They used to attend a good friend of our's...
day of prayer and outreach
15/01/2025 21:25
The weather has been prohibitive for outreach for much of this year. We've had snow, ice, wind and rain. Thankfully, everything melted this past Monday and today the sun was shining. Pastor Dillman and I put out around 4-5 hundred flyers today. Please pray for the power of the Gospel to penetrate...
Crucified with Him unto the Law
12/01/2025 13:46
God blessed us with a good morning. Our attendance in SS was low, but our AM attendance was strong. We still have some who are ill and unable to be out. Lord willing, we will see them out soon.
God blessed our morning. We miss our song leader, Logan, as he is now away at Bible College. Both of our...
seasonal changes
08/01/2025 14:31
Well, there are physical seasonal changes in 2025 and familial seasonal changes for the Shore family. We have had snow on the ground since 1 January. It is beautiful, but it has been cold. I enjoyed street preaching this morning. My audio equipment worked well, but my video recording equipment did...
Items: 11 - 20 of 1791