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04/05/2024 17:29

Our family safely arrive in Lattimore NC around 12:00 (5AM Scotland time) Monday night or Tuesday morning. We thank the Lord for journey mercies and grace.

This has been a fun week of meeting the friends and teachers of our children. We also enjoyed meeting the parents of our future son in law. Last night Kay Lee graduated with her Bachelor's degree. We are very proud of her hard work and what the Lord has helped her to accomplish. The service and ceremony were a tremendous blessing. God's hand has been very evident this week.

One of the ways, God has shown Himself is by not taking my father to glory until this week was over. Dad entered into glory this morning around 9:00 AM local time. My father had alzheimers and the last 6 months he steeply declined. God brought me home last November which was about a month before dad became mostly non sensical. Isn't God good? He also had us with my sister's family as we watched this week for the news of his passing.

We appreciate your prayers for our family. We are praying about funeral plans. Please pray for the power of God and the leading of God. I'm sure my father's greatest desire would be that God would be glorified on that day. 

Kay Lee's wedding plans are coming along. Her wedding is on the 18th. Katie and I are feeling older.... or at least we should be. This is the beginning of seeing our kids enter adulthood and it's great! Kay Lee and John will be moving to Virginia Beach after their wedding and honeymoon. John will be joining the pastoral staff at Tabernacle Baptist Church as the new youth pastor. Please pray for Pastor Baker as he leads that ministry. The Bakers are very close friends and this opportunity will only make them more dear to our hearts. Thank you for praying for "our kids" as they venture into full time ministry for the Lord.

Your thoughts and prayers for these upcoming special events are much appreciated. May God be glorified.